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Infuse YOU: A Guided Reflection & Idea-Creation Intensive

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You are the magic behind everything you do.

You're the brain that imagines big, amazing ideas. You're the hands that put those ideas into action. You're the heart set on doing something good in the world. It's you.

So why are you making yourself smaller to fit into boxes that weren't built for you?

Most of us started working online, at least in part, to avoid the pressure of constantly chasing peak productivity, profit at all costs, and schedules that come at the expense of our personal lives.

And yet those same corporate principles have weaseled their way into our workflows.

There’s an expectation for businesses-of-one to operate at the same level of complexity and efficiency as huge agencies and corporations.

But if working in a cubicle doesn’t sound fulfilling, why would this approach to your work be any different?

I believe that the answer to fulfillment in your work is curiosity, compassion, and exploring the full context of you.

Infuse YOU is a done-with-you service designed to reimagine your work as a space you thrive as a whole person. Not as your title or offers, but as you — in all your wild, messy, complicated glory.

We explore your past to unearth hidden motivations, assumptions, and roadblocks. We dive deep into your present to understand what elements are leaving you disconnected, scattered, and overwhelmed. And we look ahead to your future to plan a sustainable, invigorating roadmap toward your biggest goals.

Together, we will reimagine what it means to work, live, and find true joy on your own terms.

Here’s how it works:

The intensive is split into three parts.

First, you’ll do some reflecting with my guided prompts and exercises. You can either do this on your own with a workbook in Google Docs or Notion or you can book a 2-hour call with me to talk through the most important prompts together. If you are using the workbook, workbooks will be released on Monday, April 22.

We’ll meet for a Reflection Session for two hours to dive deep into your answers, brainstorm some big ideas, and identify core themes and patterns present in your life and work. (If you opted to go through the reflection prompts with me live, this will be your second call.)

After our Reflection Session, I’ll build your Insights to Action map that takes everything we discussed and turns it into actionable plans. Depending on what we unearth in your Reflection Session, this roadmap might include new routines, offers, ideas for messaging, and more.

Instead of asking you to change for your business, the Insights to Action map is meant to make your business better fit you.

In addition to the Insights to Action map, you’ll receive:

  • A summary of our call(s) and the major breakthroughs we made.
  • A personalized list of resources I recommend.
  • One month of email or DM support with weekly check-ins.

Read more about the process and see the call agendas here.

Infuse YOU is meant to transform your life and work in a way that honors your entire self.

The heart of Infuse YOU is deepened self-awareness and compassion. Exploring your values, motivations, history, desires, and dreams, you’ll better understand how each element connects to build the unique tapestry of you.

This awareness is meant to bring more personal clarity. We’ll uncover what genuinely matters to you — not just what you’ve been taught is important. What is your personal ethos? What expectations are you ready to ditch? How can you trust your gut more?

As you start to understand your self better, you can infuse those insights for more aligned work. We’ll pinpoint how you can take these personal insights to sculpt professional practices that invigorate and add to your life — instead of draining all the fun out of it.

We’ll use all of these revelations to build practical action steps to turn your a-ha moments into projects that will actually transform the way you work. These projects will help empower your self-expression through articulating your unique voice and perspective. It will help renew your motivation as we uncover hidden passions. And it will help make your work more resilient and adaptable by adjusting your business to fit you and not the other way around.

Infuse YOU was built for business owners, contractors, and other autonomous workers in mind.

This service is best for people who consider themselves business owners, freelancers, independent contractors, gig workers, and those who hold any roll working for themselves online.

I think you’ll find truly meaningful transformation if you:

  • Feel like you’re at the crossroads of either burning your business to the ground or staying miserable in exchange for a paid invoice.
  • Feel stuck of unfulfilled and believe that there has to be a better approach to working online.
  • Are considering a major shift and aren’t sure what the best move for you is.
  • Feel like work has completely taken over your life and you want to bring more balance to how you approach business.
  • Are burned out, overwhelmed, annoyed, and have started to resent your work, business, or clients.

On the other hand, Infuse YOU may not be a good fit if you:

  • Do not work for yourself online. This is not the right service for employees who cannot autonomously make changes to how they work or for those who work primarily in-person.
  • Feel like traditional marketing, productivity, and business practices work for you.
  • Don’t like digging deep into your own mind, motivations, and hopes. This is a reflection-heavy process, and you need to be comfortable talking with yourself!

Who am I to help you be more you?

My name is Victoria. I’ve helped hundreds of people develop systems to make their businesses more effective. But something was always missing from that picture…

I recently stopped offering systems-based services, because it became clear that I was parroting corporate ideals of efficiency and productivity that I do not believe in. We’re not meant to be fully optimized. Businesses made up of one or two people are not meant to be run the same way as large companies.

As a result, I went through what I now lovingly refer to as the “ego death” of my business. I spent a year soul-searching, journaling, healing, and finding the root of what I want to do in my work. The answer? I want to help you understand who you are. And I want to help you reimagine your work around that identity.

I truly believe that we can create businesses built in the shape of ourselves, instead of shrinking ourselves to fit someone else’s idea of business.

Infuse YOU is the first service I’m offering to help you find a way to work that honors you. That’s compassionate toward you and your story. That opens up paths of curiosity and creativity that may have been closed off in the name of “efficiency”.

I want us to ditch the rules. They aren’t working. Let’s find something that does.

No rules, just breakthroughs. Let’s work together to get more of YOU in your work.

If you’re ready, you can purchase Infuse YOU here. You’ll be redirected to a page where you can find your workbooks and / or book your calls.

If you’d like to know more about the service, please feel free to reach out at!

Important Notes

📢 Please note that the Infuse YOU workbook will not be available until Monday, 4/22. I'm sharing this service before then so that it can be pre-purchased at 30% off during my Goodbye TSL sale. On 4/22 the workbook will be released on Gumroad and you will receive links via email.

📢 Please also note that I am not a mental health professional. I am not qualified to support you through a mental health crisis, to help you process trauma, or to offer any medical advice. Please contact your local crisis center if you need to speak with a professional.


How much does this cost and what do I get?

Infuse YOU is $300 and includes your guided reflection workbook, up to two 2-hour calls, a roadmap of action steps, a personalized resource list, and one month of email or DM support.

Yeah, but what do I get out of it?

The goal of Infuse YOU is to help you know yourself better, to understand your relationship to your work, and to find aways to make your work more aligned with where you’re at and where you want to be. It’s a step toward a business that is truly custom to your values, dreams, work style, creativity, and goals.

How long does this take?

You’ll want to set aside at least four hours for this project. Two hours for the initial reflection prompts (either using the workbook or going through it together via Zoom), and two hours for our Guided Reflection call.

What call times are available?

I’m available for calls Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 12 and 4 p.m. ET through May. If you find that the dates and times available don’t work for you after booking, please email me at and we’ll work something out!

Do you offer payment plans?

I’m happy to split the payment for Infuse YOU into two $150 payments, or four $75 payments but you will need to submit payment in full before booking your calls. Please email me!

What’s your refund policy?

I’m happy to refund you within seven days of your purchase date or until you book your first call, whichever happens first. I cannot offer any guarantees about this service, but I’m more than happy to work with you to find a solution if you aren’t satisfied with the results.

I have a different question...

Please email me at and I'll get back to you ASAP!

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You'll get...

The Infuse YOU Workbook
A workbook in Google Docs or Notion with 40+ questions to dig into your past, present, and future. You'll submit this prior to your Guided Reflection call, and I recommend keeping it to look back on later to see how far you've come. The workbook will be available here in Gumroad on 4/22.
Guided Reflection 2-Hour Call
We'll meet for two hours after you submit your workbook to dive into your answers, brainstorm some big ideas, identify themes and patterns, and determine the most important transformations to make in your work and business.
Insights-to-Action Map
After your call, I'll craft a personalized roadmap to turn the insights from our call into a step-by-step action plan for transforming your work into something that works better for YOU.
Personalized Resource List
I'll provide a list of articles, books, podcasts, videos, software, and any other tools that I think would be helpful as you go through this transformation.
One month of follow up support.
I will check in with you weekly via email or Instagram DM (your choice!) for the four weeks after our call. I'm happy to provide any support, answer any questions, or help you break through any roadblocks during that time.
OPTIONAL: Pre-Work Call
Don't feel like going through the workbook? No problem. You have the option to book a two-hour "pre-work" call to work through some reflection prompts together before we get into the meet of your Guided Reflection Session.
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Infuse YOU: A Guided Reflection & Idea-Creation Intensive

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